“check out my boi rearranging the guts of this dumb chic at an off campus party we just had. We call him Flagpole and I swear he fucks a different girl every week, dude is a LEGEND! Best part is this chic’s bf was right next door and everyone could hear them but he didnt know it was her and was laughing along with everyone else until she came limping out a few minutes later! Oh and for the record it’s legitimately like 12 inches, he literally shows it off all the time so we’ve all gotten a real good look.” Someone get that guy from River Monsters on the horn, tell him there’s one he missed. Where are all the hung white porn stars? Apparently they’re at college fucking the hell out of dumb little whores away from home for the first time in their lives. It must suck to be a guy at this school.