my quick dump

me shitting short vid

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Upload date
13 March 2022 (2 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (3)

duke_ekud wrote 10 months ago

wow love this nice shit vid

Curiousbryan wrote 2 years ago

Mmmmm that looks delicious

dollmarcella wrote 2 years ago

Sexy shit, thanks for sharing x

BlubberLvr > dollmarcella wrote 2 years ago

sorry its so short and sideways. took it with my I Phone

Vinny9 > BlubberLvr wrote 2 years ago

No need to apologize, next time will be a longer thicker poop, and right side up too!!

BlubberLvr > Vinny9 wrote 2 years ago

it tasted real good to. tasted it before and after licking my cum off it

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