“I work as a bouncer for a popular night spot near Greensboro and we get a big college crowd, think seniors and grad students, who tend to really cut loose on Friday and Saturday nights. As a tall, fit black guy, I often get flirted with especially once people start to loosen up after downing a few, mostly single girls, but also girls who are there without their significant others. I never ask. I get laid every weekend, no exceptions. Typically I won’t see the girl again, as there are dozens of night spots in the area, but when I do they tend to either want to fuck again or they avoid me like the plague. 11 inches uncut, think pringles can.” Holy cow, these poor grad girls could write a thesis on that dick. No, I don’t mean a thesis about the dick, but literally on it – 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 10 pages, it would fit. Nothing helps round out a tough study week better than a few shots of vanilla cake vodka and a penis larger than a Starbucks Stanley.