“to all the young black kings out there my advice is do what it takes to get into college, u can study if thats ur thing or u can play sports b get a scholarship or u can cheat it dont matter the important thing is GET INTO COLLEGE cause let me tell u its all worth it these white girls are different n its so easy to hit, just do the math if there are 5 white girls and u drop a line saying ur 10 inch hung then guarantee 2 or 3 out of the 5 will be prospects then they tell there friends and so on. i can look around the cafeteria ne given time o fday n see 6 or 7 bitches ive dug out n they dont even get upset with me they get mad at each other, taking big dick is like a right of passage for them or sth its like bragging rights so just relax and fuck” When I get someone trying to sell me a vid I typically ask a few basic questions like “How do you know them?” and “What’s the story here?”, and this guy ignored all that and went straight into giving a TED Talk on fucking white college girls ???????. That’s all good though, I’ll just assume the blood that’s supposed to go to his brain is pulling overtime in his dick and can’t be spared for something trivial like reading comprehension.