All videos ever produced by joy-angeles are now back online. For years only 20% of the content was featured but now you can see the countless girls from all over the world pooping huge, pissing long, farting loud, doing enema fountains and even huge burping. Via X we have lined up various fantastic new models, the next generation of JA girls, the ones who can poop huge and piss like race horses. They need to be funded and that's why the entire website is online again, including the 48 DVDs which each are over an hour long. If you want to join, crowdfund by becoming a member and we will get the next generation of models and redo the success and the high level we had back in 2010, which was the absolute top year of Joy Angeles. And you can check that out on the website now!
i need the first shitting video. So hot!
Ain't that a fact! All these people whining it's old material. They haven't seen half. An you my brother, email me at and I will give you free access to the entire website and point you to this specific video.