The complete series of the MOST SPECTACULAR HUGE POOPING TWINS! Their names: Paris and Celene. These super pooping twins recorded in 2010 the most spectacular videos together. Just when the EFRO community thought they'd seen it all, Joy Angeles featured TWINS. And not just shitting twins but gorgeous, pretty girls. And not just gorgeous girls but BIG pooping girls! These videos have been hidden for 9 years and this December, especially if you never saw Paris and Celene, you are in for the pooping girls treat of your life.... This and a lot, lot more on this trailer, which is so jerkable you forget to subscribe to the website which wants to feature all 2019 generation of this A class type of EFRO. Maybe the teasers are too hot. Next time we do slide shows:)
I used to be a member a few years back--maybe I should rejoin?
schönes video ,klasse
They are old except for one or two. But there are in fact a few Paris and Celene clips which were never featured before and here and there some unused vids.
Just one unexpected good month of subscribers and Poof: a whole string of oven-fresh, 2019 girls coming your way.
Even I crave for some new Joy Angeles material - the good stuff like Victoria Lavigne or even that poop smearing girl. Joy Angeles has done nothing this year and younger people never saw these videos before, and these are the most spectacular clips ever made.
But we need to have 2019 JA stuff
Old news s!!!!