Garage Bondage Pt 4 of 4

STILL tied up on the garage floor with the dildos still in her pussy and ass with my cock down her throat, then some fucking till I cum over her face. I was intending to p**s on her to wash it off but once I've cum I lose interest to an extent. Shame...

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Date de téléchargement
22 Avril 2014 (Il y a 10 années, 2 mois)

Commentaires (6)

Maximus71 a écrit il y a 10 années


asshlelkr628 a écrit il y a 10 années

Great one yall are one beautiful sexy couple she is awesome makes my cock so hard thanks so much for sharing please add me as a friend and loyal fan of your work.

umclergy a écrit il y a 10 années

Generally that's what I do but then she complains about being cold and wet so I just wank in her mouth (there's a video like that somewhere on this computer)...

zappagolf a écrit il y a 10 années

Another great vid from you two Shame about the pissing, maybe you could do that first. Or I could cum on her face and you could wash that off!!!

sharpey a écrit il y a 10 années

Such an obediant slave...tell her "good girl"

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