
I'm 31 and I moved from Europe to Thailand (Bangkok) in 2016 and meet girls and couples. I speak fluent Thai, English and German and I have a nice appartment in the city center. Please feel free to contact me on line: peeoliver

Thailand, Krung Thep, Bangkok
Masculino, Relación Soltero/a
Se unió 7-5-2011, Activo Casi nunca

Miembro gratuito

















Longitud del cabello No especificado
Color de cabello No especificado
Color de ojos No especificado
Gafas No especificado
Tatuajes No especificado
Piercings No especificado
Barba No especificado
Bigote No especificado
Vello púbico No especificado
Vello en el pecho No especificado
Tamaño del pene No especificado
Circuncidado No especificado

  Me gusta

Sexo con mujeres


I'm a 30yo European guy and I moved to Bangkok Thailand in 2016. Since then I work and live here and enjoy meeting Thai girls, as well as western an asian couples and ladies.
I'm a bit dominant, I like barebacking if all sides agree and if they don't belong to a risk group. Multiple creampies is my speciality.

Also looking to make friends with people who travel or stay in Bangkok: I can show you the unknown side as well as the touristic side here (because I speak fluent Thai now). I know places where usually only Thai men go and where things get a little more interesting than Sukhumvit and Silom.

Add me on LINE: peeoliver


Ich spreche auch Deutsch.



Ältere Damen & Paare, AO-Ficken ohne Gummi, Mehrfaches Besamen, Creampie.. Bareback


Gangbangqueen Natascha's Second Pop n Go Party part 12 - 082410popngo12
Gangbangqueen Natascha's Second Pop n Go Party part 11 - 072310popngo11
Gangbangqueen Natascha's Second Pop n Go Party part 10 - 041610popngo10
Gangbangqueen Natascha's Second Pop n Go Party part 9 - 041610popngo9



Comentarios (5)

jaxslutluver escribió hace 9 años

Sir: I sincerely doubt you have any intentions of ever posting on this site, particularly something I would enjoy. You have been on here for some time & nothing yet. You have not read my profile prior to requesting friendship, or if you did, you chose to ignore it and pester me anyway. The last thing I want do is to block someone but you leave me no choice. You are blocked!

altespalte escribió hace 12 años

ja wie gesagt 150 euro 100 vorraus rest beim dat ok

swisspur escribió hace 13 años

habe gesehen du fickst auch gerne ohne , könnten ja mal mal austauschen meld dich byee

sand3 escribió hace 13 años

Genau meine Interessen! Vielleicht brauchst du mal Vestärkung für einen A0-Event.

hanbadatar escribió hace 13 años

--- MSN: msn@yaa.ch
--- Mail: hanbadatar@gmail.com

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