Longitud del cabello | No especificado |
Color de cabello | No especificado |
Color de ojos | No especificado |
Gafas | No especificado |
Tatuajes | No especificado |
Piercings | No especificado |
Barba | No especificado |
Bigote | No especificado |
Vello púbico | No especificado |
Vello en el pecho | No especificado |
Tamaño del pene | No especificado |
Circuncidado | No especificado |
Il profilo è estremamente vuoto. Non ho assolutamente idea di chi tu sia. Quindi, no. Come ho detto prima.
ask again when you've posted something
Extreme empty profile. I don't really know who are you. So, no.
No content is block.
You're not fucking listening are you? So read this..... YOU ARE BLOCKED
No Profile? Fuck off...
Sir: I sincerely doubt you have any intentions of ever posting on this site, particularly something I would enjoy. You have been on here for some time & nothing yet. You are a lurker, never contributing, just enjoying others work....and that is fine, no problem. But now you want friendship with nothing to offer in return. You have not read my profile prior to requesting friendship, or if you did, you chose to ignore it and pester me anyway. The last thing I want do is to block someone but you leave me no choice. You are blocked!
No profile pic = no friend: next time I'll block you
no pics, no friendship.